EPIT provides a platform for project creators and funders to partner and make a positive impact in education.
There are many challenges we need to meet. If we're going to improve education inequity for our tamariki (children), rangatahi (youth) and learners we need to bring people from diverse backgrounds together to be the drivers of change. This is at the heart of the Education Partnership & Innovation Trust.
EPIT provides a transformative digital platform and a physical space to enable vibrant project collaborations and support that leads to true change.
Ehara tāku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini
My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective
Innovation and collaborative partnerships are needed to transform education. We have all the ingredients to create or support projects that bring change.
We have a 1000m2 space in Auckland available to our partners to come together for events and workshops that drive collaboration.
We provide our partners with a dynamic digital platform to collaborate, learn, plan and deliver impactful projects.
We provide the opportunity for our partners to connect and co-create through transformative partnerships.
We have a robust system for measurement that is culturally grounded and allows for complexity.