
Annual Impact Report 2023 released

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EPIT released its 2022/23 Annual Impact Report today showcasing our partners’ stories, all of whom are working to improve equity in education across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Over the past twelve months we have grown the number of initiatives we fund and support, hosted a range of hui and networking events, provided meeting rooms and workshop space to many of our partners and their guests, created a vibrant co-working space that is the permanent home to a number of non-profit organisations, and created many opportunities both kanohi ki te kanohi and digitally to connect people with a shared passion and drive to create change.

In this year's report we chose to shine a Spotlight on Literacy as a number of the initiatives we support are focused on improving the reading and comprehension abilities of our student learners via a range of tools and techniques. These initiatives were selected for their innovative use of integrated, culturally embedded and evidence-based approaches. It is pleasing to see already the positive results coming from these pieces of work. As our Evaluation Advisor, Dr Louise Taylor noted:

"While each initiative is having impact in its own right, collectively they have the potential to make a larger scale impact on equity."

Visit our Reports page to learn more and download a copy of the full report.

Nischal Chakravarthy
18 August 2023
min read

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