
Developing the next generation of principals in Aotearoa

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Since 2007, Springboard Trust has been working to transform schools together by partnering principals and senior leaders with cross-sector volunteers, creating a unique learning environment in Aotearoa New Zealand that ultimately creates positive impact for students.

A large part of the senior leaders’ work is adapting to the evolving needs of school leadership, and EPIT has been proud to support Springboard Trust in this through funding their Strategic Leadership for Middle and Aspiring Leaders programme (SLMAL).

What is the Strategic Leadership for Middle and Aspiring Leaders Programme?

At its core, this Strategic Leadership for Middle and Aspiring Leaders Programme is designed to build the capability of middle and aspiring leaders – those who are not yet at the top level of school leadership, but want to be there in the coming years. Effectively, it is about developing the next generation of principals in Aotearoa.

Participants work through three two-day block courses, while also completing online materials and workshops. They do this alongside other leaders, cross-sector volunteer facilitators and subject matter experts, as well as Springboard Trust’s own in-house expertise.

It focuses on six key tenets of leadership:

  1. The Aotearoa New Zealand education context, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi
  2. Strategic and operational leadership
  3. Creating and maintaining a positive and supportive work environment
  4. How to nurture and develop others through high-trust relationships
  5. Principalship
  6. Time management

Leaders complete the programme with improved capabilities in these areas, a kete of tools and frameworks, as well as a personal leadership development plan to carry them through this and coming years.

How EPIT is supporting the Strategic Leadership for Middle and Aspiring Leaders Programme

In 2021, Springboard Trust ran a pilot of SLMAL in Tairāwhiti, which was met with resoundingly positive feedback from participants. As such, EPIP is proud to support the expansion of this programme for a second run, focusing on secondary school middle and aspiring  leaders in Tāmaki Makaurau. This sits in addition to our support of Springboard Trust’s geographic expansion of their flagship programmes.

Nischal Chakravarthy
16 January 2022
min read

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